The Biomaterials Research Group (BIOMAT) gathers a multidisciplinary team of highly skilled researchers from Instituto Superior Técnico and other academic institutions that work in straight collaboration with clinical and industrial partners to develop new functional materials for biomedical applications and study the performance of the already used.
The mission of BIOMAT is to promote scientific and technological advances in the biomaterials field, to provide advanced scientific training in the group’s research subjects and disseminate the research outcomes among the scientific community and society in general.
BIOMAT main research interests include the design and characterization of biomaterials, drug delivery, biomolecules adsorption, biotribology and sterilization.
The group established numerous collaborative long-term partnerships with national and foreign universities that allowed complementing and enriching the team know-how and opened opportunities for student exchange and joint research projects.
Research at BIOMAT has been supported by several grants from European (M.era-Net, MSCA) and national (FCT) programs, as well as by industrial partnerships (BioCeramed, BSG Pharmaceuticals, Bausch+Lomb)
BIOMAT - Research Group
Presentation Video